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Thriving Congregations, Ep. 4 "CULTIVATING PRACTICES"

What are ways congregations can cultivate Christian practices? How does practice intersect with vocation?

In this episode, Assistant Director Toni speaks to his experience teaching a workshop on how our Thriving Congregations go about cultivating practices. The culture of a church feeds its foundation, its a unifying marker of that congregation. It displays core-values and speaks to the individual's who make up that body. Christian practices are an expression of that culture! 

In the Pacific-Northwest, churches are turning back to traditional practices of prayer, fasting, devotions, etc. Younger congregants are drawn to an integration of traditional practices alongside their own embodiment of Christian expression - these practices are attractive, important, and build faith! 

Practices fulfill vocation. They're the support of one's vocation and calling, the expression of our vocation! Listen to learn more about how these topics intersect.