Connecting with your WHY
What’s the WHY behind what you do?
In a time when everything can get sidetracked or delayed, it’s easy to forget why we are doing what we are doing...or even what we wanted in the first place.
“When you know your why, you see everything and everyone differently. You work differently. You become passionate about your business and the people you are impacting.” I recently picked up a copy of Business Boutique: A Woman’s Guide for Making Money and Doing What She Loves by Christy Wright. I was really interested in Wright's take on what it means to do what we love and how we live our vocation in strategic ways.
The very first step of Christy’s guide is to create a plan connected to knowing our ‘why.’ She explains the significance of our why through multiple stories that lead to pinpointing the motivation and values behind what we do.
My friend and colleague, Angela January is an excellent example of someone who knows their why. Angela is curious and loves considering what possibilities are out there for our work. She has coached many women toward valuable career exploration, and even had ‘dream grants’ she offered to support women in launching their vocational journey.
Angela’s “why” is to create new realms of possibility and opportunity for all women, and especially women of color, to fully live into their vocation. She is so motivated that she has launched her own coaching organization and hosts retreats for women to pursue their calling even further!
Angela’s why reminds me of Sam; Encouraging us to consider and explore what we could do to serve our world in the most fulfilling ways.
Dear friends, are you in touch with your why? Have you forgotten or been limited by not knowing or seeing what could be possible?
I know it takes time to dig under the surface to know just why we want what we want. But, as Glennon Doyle shared in her recent memoir,
If [women] unlocked and unleashed ourselves:
Imbalanced relationships would be equalized.
Children would be fed.
Corrupt governments would topple.
Wars would end.
Civilizations would be transformed.
Our why comes from knowing who we are. Where have we been? What has shaped us? And what do we want for ourselves and our world? Our motivation has everything to do with how we want to impact the world.
We have whole civilizations to transform and an entire community who will encourage us to go after it. Just ask Christy, Angela, Sam, and Glennon.
So let’s dig into the questions! Watch our IG episode to get more support in answering and motivating you to activate your why!
We offer Leadership Coaching to help you navigate setting strategies for engagement, team growth and much more!