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We offer a variety of assessments built to meet the needs of your personal or team development.

Feedback is gold. And as leaders, it is hard to get good feedback. Feedback helps us fine tune our skills and show up the best we can.

Our assessments will provide you with the feedback you need to embark on a path to healthy and vibrant leadership. Healthy leaders heal the world, and your healing begins here.

We offer three different Leader Assessment packages, in addition to our Ă  la carte options:

À La Carte Assessment Options

Leadership Effectiveness Assessment - $35

Personal Wellness Assessment - $35

Burnout Risk Assessment - $35

Leadership Bundle Assessment* - $100
Bundle package that includes Leadership Effectiveness, Personal Wellness, and Burnout Risk assessments

IDI Assessment and Post Discussion - $300


* Our 360 Leadership Assessment is only available in the below packages

360 Leadership Assessment and Discovery Package

Download an example report (PDF)

Take the Assessment

Package price: $500

This package allows you to get a full in-depth look at yourself and how others experience you. The 360 Survey includes the following.


  • Personal Wellness
  • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Burnout Score
  • 360 Assessment (distributed to up to 15 references)
  • 30-minute Discovery Call with Leadership Center Team to discuss your results
  • Now available in Spanish!

Ideal for:

Leaders looking to understand themselves and their blindspots and leaders who want to focus their personal development in a strategic way.

All-Inclusive VIP Assessment Package

Download an example report (PDF)

Take the Assessment

Package price: $1500

This package not only sets you up to understand yourself better but also to work with a Leadership Center coach over four months to apply the information.


  • 360 Assessment with up to 15 References
  • Access to Live Your Purpose Course
  • 4 Coaching Sessions
  • Assessment & Coaching now available in Spanish!

Ideal for:

Leaders looking to advance in their current career or transitioning into new roles and executive leaders strategizing how to effectively lead and connect with their team.


Leadership Center Assessment Journey

Schedule a Discovery Call

Our 3-month comprehensive assessment program is designed to help your organization assess and enhance the health and effectiveness of your team.


  • Leadership Intake Assessment (with 360 reference & self review) for each individual
  • Personalized reports for each individual
  • One-day leadership development workshop for your team (virtual or in-person)
  • Two leadership coaching sessions for each individual (virtual or in-person)
  • Personal Development Plan for each individual
  • Presentation of aggregate results and recommendations for the board/senior leadership

What people are saying:

Tools for Reflection

Our quick quizzes provide you with instant, personalized reports you can use for reflection and goal setting.

How Present Are You?

This quiz is designed to help you assess your level of presence and mindfulness in your daily life, with tips for how to show up more fully with yourself, your team, and your loved ones. 

Take the quiz

Team Trust Audit

This quick audit will help you identify and articulate your team's current trust levels. It also includes a team discussion guide.

Take the audit

Don’t see what you’re interested in listed above?

We would love to connect with you. We are a team of creative professionals who are passionate about helping individuals grow, and we're more than happy to develop custom assessments tailored to your specific needs. Schedule a discovery call today to get started!

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Trisha coaching individual